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The underappreciated strength of MetaTags

The tool that will bost your sites organic traffic beyond any marketing campaign, that is often overlooked.

MetaTags is the text that Google reads to understand what content is on your page. Google uses this data to come to a conclusion about what searches will bring up your site. MetaTags are an incredibly useful tool and are often overlooked by many sites. A good way to think about MetaTags is to consider them as the packaging of an item. If they didn’t have an image on the box, the company name, or any of the features you wouldn’t know what the item was without seeing a sign. Google uses MetaTags the same way, to ensure that when results are returned to the user they are conducive to what they searched for.

MetaTags have a use beyond returning relevant results, it also is capable of assisting with your overall SEO rating, using Keyword Phrases, Meta Description Attributes, Title Tags, Meta Robots Attributes, etc. These are all effective tools to strengthen your site’s overall performance while also being more likely to bring organic viewers to your site. There are many different tactics within each of these tools to ensure the best results for your site. Using only one H1 tag on each page, for example, is a ‘header tag’ best practice. Google has many different guidelines for all different types of MetaData so it is important that you take the time to really look into what are the different guidelines to ensure the best results possible for your site. It is easy to just leave these sorts of tools behind with the vision that you’ll bring users/customers to your site with marketing campaigns, it is important to remember that they’ll likely struggle to find your site without a direct link if your MetaTags are sloppy and uninspired.

There are many types of MetaTags that are often overlooked or missed when creating or improving on a site, the biggest one I’ve come across is Alt Text. Image optimisation has become a very influential part of SEO ranking now, and a big part of that is describing what the image is actually showing so that Google can confirm it is relevant to your site or the specific page it is on. Remember the more relevant MetaTags you have on your site the stronger your SEO and search returns for users will be.

MetaTags are some of your most reliable tools for boosting your site, rather than general marketing, MetaTags are based on algorithms and very detailed data groups. Meaning that it is statistically proven to make your site show up more in search results and higher on the results page because Google knows that your site is relevant and reliable. It is beneficial to take the time to read about how they work and what are some best practices when employing the use of MetaTags on your site. They are incredibly powerful tools when used correctly but can also be detrimental when incorrectly applied. A great site for in-depth MetaTags data is this one. It is written by Google’s search engine dev team so it is the most relevant information you’ll find. MetaTags may feel daunting but they really aren’t that scary, if you take the time to learn before you start playing around with them you’ll get the hang of it in no time. Now go forth and turn your website from an 80% site health to 95%.

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